News: Do you make a New Year resolution?

 As we bid farewell to 2022, many people across the world will be taking the opportunity to make some New Year’s resolutions.

Happy New Year

This article will explore some of the most popular ideas being put forward.

Do more exercise and improve your fitness.

Health-based resolutions are believed to be more popular among women than men. Losing weight is also a more popular resolution for women. 

Sophie from Manchester in the UK said: "I want to do a lot more running this year. Even a light jog every day will be a massive benefit to my mental and physical health."

Save money for the future.


Recent research from YouGov states that four in ten people across the United Kingdom who are making resolutions (41%) say they want to save more money. This is up from 30% who resolved to put more money into their savings in 2022. This resolution is again more important to women with 46% saying they hope to save money as part of their plans for 2023 compared to 34% of men. How many Britons have made New Year’s resolutions for 2023? | YouGov

That research is very similar to other people across various areas of the world. Liam from Las Vegas told us: "Improving my financial health will be massive for me in 2023. I want to buy my own house."

Is it time to see the world?

Penny from LA said: "Financial health is important to me but with everything going on in the world, I just want to enjoy life. My resolution for 2023 will be to see more of the world."

Sheldon, also from LA, made a similar point: "There are many places in the world that I'd still love to visit. Thailand is up there, the same with Vietnam and India."