News: Happy New Year


As the world brings in 2023, we asked a number people about their plans for New Years Eve.

House party with friends

Ben, from Edinburgh, is heading to Glasgow for a house party with friends. He said: "I never like going out on NYE, it's always more expensive and always far too busy."

Big night out in Edinburgh planned for some people

Adrian, currently living in London, is heading to Edinburgh for the night. He told us, it's always a great occasion in Edinburgh."

Is the night always a let down

Sophie from Manchester is staying in tonight. She added: "NYE is always a major let down and for me, symbolises the end of the wonderful Christmas period."

This is a view supported by a growing number of people. Whilst a house party is the most popular tool for celebration, less people are going out and more people are simply doing nothing.

Whatever you're doing, we hope it's a great one. Happy New Year from everyone at the Super News network!