News: Is working from home here to stay?

The last few years has seen a huge increase in working from home. 

Amongst all the discussions, do we think it's here to stay? Let's explore what people across the world are saying.

Our own opinion

Flexible working and working from home have been definite positive steps in recent years. It allows employees of all types from different organisations to work at a pace that is suited to them. If you think about it, most people spend around two hours per day on the commute to and from work. Just imagine what you could do with that time. That's around ten hours per week and 520 hours per year.

The picture below is actually from 2007 who knew that working from home isn't actually a new idea.

Working from Home

What are people saying? Is it here to stay?

Sophie lives in Middleton, Greater Manchester. She said: "I like working from home but not every day. Flexible working is clearly the future though."

Olivia from London added: "I don't like it. It's not for me. However, I also understand why it's useful for some people. Especially those with families."

Kombe from Oldham said: "I love working from home. I can still see my children grow up whilst also putting the work in."

Gill from Rochdale added: "I hated working from home. I work in HR, so really value that connection with staff. I don't feel you can achieve that working remotely."

Jamie from Edinburgh told us: "I like flexible working. Getting the option to work every day but having the ability to save time and money on the commute has been a huge benefit from recent times."

Many organisations and recruitment companies actually promote working from home as a key benefit.

More research

Unsurprisingly, this topic has been covered by research from across the world. In this survey from People Insight, they concluded: "78% of respondents feel they can work at home as effectively or more effectively than in the office. However, perhaps surprisingly, WFH is not the only way we’d like to work; 50% of survey respondents said their preference was 1-2 days working from home. 31% want 3-4 days per week, and less than a fifth of respondents want to work from home all the time."

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