News: Politics in 2023

 2022 was an extraordinary year for politics in the United Kingdom. 

What could possibly happen in 2023?

Many people will be hoping for just no drama. Will there be any more fireworks?


There isn't a general election expected

Political leaders across Westminster don't expect 2023 to be a general election year.There is an expectation that the Conservatives will run the clock down on this parliamentary term. January 2025 is the latest that an election could be held with many expecting it to happen in the summer of 2024. 

Many across the UK would like a lack of drama in the political scene but they are also hoping for an opportunity to force a change in direction for the country.

Tories v Labour: The current state of play

Polling averages extrapolated in the 3 weeks to 23 December placed Labour on 46.5%, the Conservatives on 26.5%, and the Liberal Democrats on 9.4%. Source: Latest Opinion Polls - The Result Of A General Election Today (

Industrial disputes

Throughout most of 2022, we also saw a large number of Trade Union disputes. Many union officials believe that staff are overworked and don't earn enough wages. Whilst opinion polls are mixed on this, there is a great deal of sympathy for those employees on strike, even when key services have been impacted.

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