Looking for food: Vegan special edition

 There has been a huge increase in people becoming vegan in recent years.

This article will explore the thoughts of people from across the world and offer suggestions to some places to eat vegan places.

Organic Restaurant

Picture credit - The Clean Counter

What are your thoughts?

Josh from Greater Manchester said: ''I try to eat vegan food three or four times a week, it has become a lot easier in recent times thanks to the increase in options.''

Dane from Edinburgh said: ''I have been totally 100% vegan for the last five years. The hardest bit was giving up dairy products like cheese and milk, but the alternatives for these have become a lot better recently.''

Helen from London added: I try to eat vegan a couple of teams per week. It makes cooking a bit more interesting when you can't use animal products.''

Are you loking for food in London, click here for more information.

Becky from France said: ''I think in France it is a lot easier to be a vegetarian than a vegan. I spent time in the United Kingdom and there were a lot more vegan options in that part of the world.''

Daniel Thomas from Chicago told us: ''I think veganism is a little behind in America compared to the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe.''

How many people are vegan and where are they going?

In 2021, it was estimated that there were 79 million vegans across the world. Many would argue that this has certainly increased in recent years. Research in 2020 showed that the United Kingdom was the leading country for veganism. What are the best vegan restaurants in the UK though? For Mancunian vegans, the Allotment Vegan Eatery is one of the most popular options.

Vegan junk food is something that is growing in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. Wholesome Junkies is one of the best options for those in Manchester. The vegan mac & cheese is one of the best options here.

The video above explores some of the best vegan junk food options in Japan. Have you ever been to this part of the world and tried any of these places?

Looking further up the story, you will see the thoughts of Daniel Thomas who lives in Chicago. How are the vegan junk options in the United States? The Healthy Kitchen in New York is one of the best rated options on many food blogs and websites.